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[HTCondor-users] CondorCE token subject mapping not working anymore

Hi all,

preparing the migration from CondorCE 5 to GSI-less 6, we noticed that the WLCGToken mapping has been failing for some time.

Cross-checking on our production v5 CEs, we realized, that token mapping has been failing for some time and that authz fall back to GSI, which had been unnoticed so far. Since token authz had worked in the past, I am currently struggling to identify, what change or config broke the mapping.

Starting with a fresh CondorCE installation from scratch and adding configs & mappings, I have not been able to get the token mapping working again.

It is a CondorCE v6, Condor v10.4 installation on EL7 [1].

Mapping rules are tokens only with a test client mapped to (existing) local users [2], so that tokens like [3] should get mapped onto the local `desyusr007`.

However, trace and write pings always fail due to an allegedly broken mapping [4]. Judging from the SchedLog and AuditLog [5,6] the tokens are received and parsed - but then something(??) is not to the CE's liking :-/

Submitting a job to a friendly site's CE works with the mapping rule as of [2] deployed - so I would rule out an issue with the client/tokens. The other way round, a job from the remote site (running under a token from a client of the other site) fails, so that it is most probable something local with my CE.

Also a very trusting catch all map rule
  SCITOKENS /^https\:\/\/.*,.*/ desyprd004

Daemon output is already on `ALL_DEBUG = D_FULLDEBUG` but maybe there is a way to increase the audit logging to get an idea, why the matching fails?

SELinux or so seems not involved so far.

Maybe someone has an idea, where I might find the underlying issue? (probably something system related and not directly CondorCE config specific??).

Cheers and thanks for any idea,


> grep include /etc/condor-ce/condor_mapfile
@include /etc/condor-ce/mapfiles.d/
@include /usr/share/condor-ce/mapfiles.d/

> cat /etc/condor-ce/mapfiles.d/11_99_token-mapping_DEBUG.conf
SCITOKENS /^https:\/\/wlcg\.cloud\.cnaf\.infn\.it\/,8ec82f26\-a407\-44d7\-aa32\-19cd985cd2d1$/ desyusr009 SCITOKENS /^https:\/\/wlcg\.cloud\.cnaf\.infn\.it\/,1ec796cb\-250b\-479d\-a9e9\-6509995adab0$/ desyusr007 # SCITOKENS /^https:\/\/wlcg\.cloud\.cnaf\.infn\.it\/,bf47638b-5be1-4cda-a156-c2b9d2d1d352$/ desyusr009 # SCITOKENS /^https:\/\/wlcg\.cloud\.cnaf\.infn\.it\/,bc2de59f-c564-4fef-9614-d89c1819426b$/ desyusr009 SCITOKENS /^https:\/\/wlcg\.cloud\.cnaf\.infn\.it\/,737b9ec0\-fb66\-472d\-9ce3\-e943a677464f$/ desyusr008

  "wlcg.ver": "1.0",
  "sub": "1ec796cb-250b-479d-a9e9-6509995adab0",
  "aud": "https://wlcg.cern.ch/jwt/v1/any";,
  "nbf": 1681479491,
"scope": "openid compute.create offline_access compute.read compute.cancel compute.modify",
  "iss": "https://wlcg.cloud.cnaf.infn.it/";,
  "exp": 1681483091,
  "iat": 1681479491,
  "jti": "78d1ad5a-2be0-4367-88bb-6a9f59939bc5",
  "client_id": "8ec82f26-a407-44d7-aa32-19cd985cd2d1"

> export BEARER_TOKEN_FILE=/tmp/token_$(id -u)
> date; oidc-token -f --time=720 belle-desydebug-group > /tmp/token_$(id -u); condor_ce_trace --debug grid-htcondorce-dev.desy.de
Fri Apr 14 15:46:32 CEST 2023
04/14/23 15:46:32 SharedPortClient: sent connection request to daemon at <> for shared port id schedd_1298351_f7d0
04/14/23 15:46:32 Looking for token in file /tmp/token_14053
04/14/23 15:46:37 SECMAN: required authentication with daemon at <> failed, so aborting command DC_SEC_QUERY.
2023-04-14 15:46:41 ERROR: WRITE access failed for scheduler daemon at
WRITE failed!
AUTHENTICATE:1003:Failed to authenticate with any method
AUTHENTICATE:1004:Failed to authenticate using SCITOKENS


04/14/23 15:46:32 Examining SciToken with payload {"wlcg.ver":"1.0","sub":"1ec796cb-250b-479d-a9e9-6509995adab0","aud":"https:\/\/wlcg.cern.ch\/jwt\/v1\/any","nbf":1681479491,"scope":"openid compute.create offline_access compute.read compute.cancel compute.modify","iss":"https:\/\/wlcg.cloud.cnaf.infn.it\/","exp":1681483091,"iat":1681479491,"jti":"78d1ad5a-2be0-4367-88bb-6a9f59939bc5","client_id":"8ec82f26-a407-44d7-aa32-19cd985cd2d1"}. 04/14/23 15:46:37 DC_AUTHENTICATE: required authentication of failed: AUTHENTICATE:1003:Failed to authenticate with any method|AUTHENTICATE:1004:Failed to authenticate using SCITOKENS 04/14/23 15:46:37 Examining SciToken with payload {"wlcg.ver":"1.0","sub":"1ec796cb-250b-479d-a9e9-6509995adab0","aud":"https:\/\/wlcg.cern.ch\/jwt\/v1\/any","nbf":1681479491,"scope":"openid compute.create offline_access compute.read compute.cancel compute.modify","iss":"https:\/\/wlcg.cloud.cnaf.infn.it\/","exp":1681483091,"iat":1681479491,"jti":"78d1ad5a-2be0-4367-88bb-6a9f59939bc5","client_id":"8ec82f26-a407-44d7-aa32-19cd985cd2d1"}. 04/14/23 15:46:41 DC_AUTHENTICATE: required authentication of failed: AUTHENTICATE:1003:Failed to authenticate with any method|AUTHENTICATE:1004:Failed to authenticate using SCITOKENS 04/14/23 15:46:49 Evaluated periodic expressions in 0.000s, scheduling next run in 61s

04/14/23 15:46:32 (cid:21) Examining SciToken with payload {"wlcg.ver":"1.0","sub":"1ec796cb-250b-479d-a9e9-6509995adab0","aud":"https:\/\/wlcg.cern.ch\/jwt\/v1\/any","nbf":1681479491,"scope":"openid compute.create offline_access compute.read compute.cancel compute.modify","iss":"https:\/\/wlcg.cloud.cnaf.infn.it\/","exp":1681483091,"iat":1681479491,"jti":"78d1ad5a-2be0-4367-88bb-6a9f59939bc5","client_id":"8ec82f26-a407-44d7-aa32-19cd985cd2d1"}. 04/14/23 15:46:37 (cid:23) Examining SciToken with payload {"wlcg.ver":"1.0","sub":"1ec796cb-250b-479d-a9e9-6509995adab0","aud":"https:\/\/wlcg.cern.ch\/jwt\/v1\/any","nbf":1681479491,"scope":"openid compute.create offline_access compute.read compute.cancel compute.modify","iss":"https:\/\/wlcg.cloud.cnaf.infn.it\/","exp":1681483091,"iat":1681479491,"jti":"78d1ad5a-2be0-4367-88bb-6a9f59939bc5","client_id":"8ec82f26-a407-44d7-aa32-19cd985cd2d1"}.

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature