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Re: [HTCondor-users] Idle New Machines After Adding to HTCondor Server: Possible Causes?

Hi Eraldo,

can you try a reverse analyze and check, what jobs would in principle match for a given slot/machine? E.g.,

  condor_q âbetter-analyze:reverse âmachine slot1@xxxxxxxxxxx

That should give you a list of jobs, that would in principle be able to be brokered to that machine, and what requirements the slot has. Just in case, there is a machine requirement somewhat off, that causes jobs not to match?


On 23/08/2023 17.37, ejunior@xxxxxxx wrote:

Hi Thomas,

yes, the nodes apear there, but idle:

slot1@xxxxxxxxxxx ÂLINUX   ÂX86_64 Unclaimed Idle   Â0.000 3195 Â7+16:10:09

slot2@xxxxxxxxxxx  LINUX   ÂX86_64 Unclaimed Idle   Â0.000 3195 Â7+16:54:31 slot3@xxxxxxxxxxx  LINUX   ÂX86_64 Unclaimed Idle   Â0.000 3195 Â7+16:38:18
slot126@xxxxxxxxxxx  LINUX   ÂX86_64 Unclaimed Idle   Â0.000 3195 Â7+17:58:06


This workernode has 126 slots, all idle.



  * /Date/: Fri, 18 Aug 2023 16:48:37 +0200
  * /From/: Thomas Hartmann <thomas.hartmann@xxxxxxx
  * /Subject/: Re: [HTCondor-users] Idle New Machines After Adding to
    HTCondor Server: Possible Causes?


Hi Eraldo,

quick question, but your new nodes show up with their slots in
Do you have statis slots or partitionable slots configured?


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