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Re: [HTCondor-users] OAuthCredmon and Schedd: markfile names consistency

Hi Benoit,

I believe you are correct about this code not looking at the correct path for the mark file. The good news is that this code is redundant, the condor_credd is in charge of sweeping the credentials (credmon_sweep_creds is the function referenced in the condor_credd code that handles this, if you're curious). I will plan on removing this code from the OAuth credmon...

...unless you are indeed finding that credentials are not being properly swept by the credd. In which case, it would be easy to fix the redundant code, but would also imply a bug in the credd that we should also look into.

Thanks for the detailed report!


On Thu, Sep 7, 2023 at 11:11âAM Benoit Roland <benoit.roland@xxxxxxx> wrote:
Dear all,

I understand that a markfile is used to take the decision to remove tokens when the markfile lifetime exceeds some threshold.

o) This is used in the functions "should_delete" and "delete_tokens" in the OAuth Credential Monitor [1].

In these functions, the markfile name is defined as:

mark_path = os.path.join(self.cred_dir, username, token_name + '.mark') [convention 1]

following the same convention as for the ".top" and ".use" tokens.

o) The markfile, if I am correct, is created in the schedd [2] via:

auto_free_ptr cred_dir_oauth(param("SEC_CREDENTIAL_DIRECTORY_OAUTH"));
credmon_mark_creds_for_sweeping(cred_dir_oauth, owner_info.Name());Â [convention 2]

with "credmon_mark_creds_for_sweeping(const char * cred_dir, const char* user)" defined in the credmon interface [3].

o) The first convention will result in e.g.:


while the second convention will result in:


o) Making a test, I can indeed find on my submit node:


while the OAuth Credential Monitor is looking for:


As a result, the markfile is not found, and the ".top", ".use" and ".mark" files are not deleted after expiration of the markfile.

Am I missing something, or are my observations correct?

Thanks a lot in advance for your help!


[1] src/condor_credd/condor_credmon_oauth/credmon/CredentialMonitors/OAuthCredmon.py
[2] src/condor_schedd.V6/schedd.cpp
[3] src/condor_utils/credmon_interface.cpp
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