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[HTCondor-users] question on the syntax of the unified mapfile (SSL auth)


I have a quick question about the right syntax in the unified mapfile -- 
I am using SSL authentication method, to allow a local schedd to move
jobs to a remote pool schedd via condor-c. In the unified mapfile of the
remote schedd, I try to map the DN of the local schedd hostcert to a user
account, e.g. 

SSL "/DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=computers/CN=XXX-harvester02@xxxxxxx" harvester@xxxxxxx

This doesn't work, I also tried several other syntax...  What should be the right syntax,
or do I miss anything here ? 

The remote pool runs condor 23.4.0, and CERTIFICATE_MAPFILE_ASSUME_HASH_KEYS = false. 
The local schedd runs condor 23.0.8. 
