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Re: [HTCondor-users] Executable is not overriding the ENTRYPOINT In docker universe

On 2/6/24 8:38 AM, Andres Ayala wrote:
Hi all,

I am trying to launch several jobs in the docker universe.

The image is the same for all of them, but it contains many binaries that can be executed independently.
The image has also defined an ENTRYPOINT to other binary.

Hi Andres:

Thanks for your report. Sharing a common docker image, and using it to run several different jobs (by using a different executable) is a common use case that we see a lot. Generally speaking, though, the intent of ENTRYPOINT in a docker image is that it isn't often overridden. Usually it is something like a shell or other program launcher, that can run the CMD that is either built into the image, or overridden on the command line.

Usually docker images that want to run some default program when started make that the program the CMD rather than the ENTRYPOINT. I'm afraid we don't have a good workaround in HTCondor for this. Could you rebuild this container, and set the ENTRYPOINT to "/bin/bash"? I think that will solve the problem.


I am trying to create each job with a job like:

universe     = docker
docker_image = my_image:tag
executable   = /opt/bin/cmd_a
# The executable present in the image
transfer_executable   = False,
arguments             = params.yml
should_transfer_files = True
transfer_input_files  = params.yml
transfer_output_files = result.txt
# Logs
output = mode_a.out
error  = mode_a.err
log    = mode_a.log

Where /opt/bin/cmd_a changes in each job.

Looking at the condor logs, the docker create command generated is something like:
Attempting to run: /usr/bin/docker create [may arguments ommited]
                    --init [tons of -e and --volume and --workdir --user --group]
                                    my_image:tag /opt/bin/cmd_a params.yml

 From the documentation of docker run/create

Seems like this shall work, and docker will run:
/opt/bin/cmd_a params.yml

The problem is that when condor starts the image the effective command line is:
/usr/bin/entrypoint /opt/bin/cmd_a params.yml

And this fails.

Looking even more in the docs, in:

seems that when an entrypoint is defined, docker uses all the arguments of "docker create" for the entrypoint and do not use the first one as command.

The docker create command that will do what I am expecting would look like:
Attempting to run: /usr/bin/docker create [may arguments ommited]
                    --init [tons of -e and --volume and --workdir --user --group]
                                    --entrypoint /opt/bin/cmd_a my_image:tag params.yml

Is there any option for the docker job that modifies the entrypoint to obtain something like this?

AndrÃs Ayala

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