HTC maintenance scheduled for Wednesday, May 3; HPC Cluster maintenance complete

Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2023 22:00:07 +0000
From: chtc-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: HTC maintenance scheduled for Wednesday, May 3; HPC Cluster maintenance complete

Greetings CHTC users, 


For users of our high performance computing (HPC) cluster: yesterday’s planned maintenance is complete and the cluster should be back to normal operation.


For users of our high throughput computing (HTC) system: There is a planned maintenance day next Wednesday, May 3. Most major components of the HTC system will be down, so HTC users will not be able to log in to submit nodes, access data in /home or /staging, and running jobs will be interrupted (but remain in the queue). 


Please direct any questions or concerns to chtc@xxxxxxxxxxx



CHTC Facilitation Team

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  • HTC maintenance scheduled for Wednesday, May 3; HPC Cluster maintenance complete, chtc-users <=