Upcoming changes to HTC and HPC operating systems

Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2024 16:59:42 +0000
From: chtc-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Upcoming changes to HTC and HPC operating systems

Dear CHTC users, 


CHTC staff have begun to upgrade the default version of Linux on all CHTC servers – including components of our high throughput computing system and high performance computing cluster – from Centos Stream 7 and 8 to Centos Stream 9. 


As this process continues, users of each system will need to transition their jobs to run on the new version of Linux. Within the next few weeks, we will send out information for both the HTC and HPC systems with: 

  • Specific transition timeline information
  • A guide for navigating this operating system transition


Until we send out the above information, jobs should continue running on CHTC systems as normal. You may notice that there is less capacity available in the HTC system or in the HPC “shared” partition as this transition is underway. 


We will contact this list (chtc-users@xxxxxxxxxxx) when we have a concrete transition timeline and documentation prepared for each system. Faculty members who have prioritized hardware in either system will be contacted separately with details about their hardware transition. 


Contact us at chtc@xxxxxxxxxxx with any immediate questions. 



The CHTC Facilitation team


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