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[Condor-users] Job dependency spec for condor_submit?


we are trying to switch from SGE to Condor. Some of the data processing
tools we are using have SGE support built-in and I'm looking into
possibilities of making them compatible with Condor.

One common pattern in these tools is the specification of job
dependencies via "qsub -hold_jid". Is there a way to 'emulate' this with
Condor? Patching these tools to write a DAGMAN compatible job
description would be a fairly big task, maybe even impossible, and
definitely no fun. They are designed to submit one task at a time --
clearly with SGE's workflow in mind.

I have seen a number of "qsub" replacements for Condor, but none with
hold_jit support yet. I'd be glad if somebody could provide some insight
into this.

Thanks in advance,


Michael Hanke