Re: [DynInst_API:] Variable size and frame pointers

Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 19:23:09 +0200
From: Fabian Mager <fabian.mager@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [DynInst_API:] Variable size and frame pointers

If you look at the variable locations of the parameters, they should have address ranges attached to them, and you should be able to set your breakpoint at the beginning of the valid range with no problem.

Looking at the variable locations, I stumbled across another issue. After compiling with clang (3.4), I get the following output when asking for the locations of the parameters of a function:

    localVar (type, name): s_t, s
    getLocationLists.size: 1
        lowPC: 4195632
        hiPC: 4195675

This is fine and with that I can later on retrieve the values via getLocalVariableValues(). But when I compile it with gcc (4.8.2), the output is:

    localVar (type, name): s_t, s
    getLocationLists.size: 0

Due to the emtpy LocationList, getLocalVariableValues() always returns -2 (EOutOfScope). Do I miss something here or is this possibly a bug?

Best regards,
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