[Gems-users] DNUCA cache

Date: Tue, 4 Oct 2005 20:43:01 +0200
From: "Daniele Mangano" <daniele.mangano@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Gems-users] DNUCA cache



We are evaluating the possibility to use your Ruby memory system in order to explore CMPs with a shared L2 cache memory. In the paper “Multifacet’s General Execution-driven Multiprocessors Simulator (GEMS) Toolset” you wrote that networks such as CMP-DNUCA can be create by using the file-specified mode. Although we are able to create CMPs with shared L2 NUCA memories, we are not sure that your MSI_MOSI_CMP_directory SLICC model allows to use also a DynamicNUCA (DNUCA).

How can we create a shared L2 DynamicNUCA memory?


Daniele Mangano, Ph.D Student
Dept. of Information Engineering

University of Pisa

Via Diotisalvi, 2 - 56122 Pisa, Italy

Tel  +39 050 2217 458

Fax +39 050 2217 600

E-mail: daniele.mangano@xxxxxxxxxxxx


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