Re: [Gems-users] latency and ruby cycles

Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2007 11:27:25 +0800
From: "hongxia sun" <sunhx.seraph@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Gems-users] latency and ruby cycles
Hi, Dave,
 > I have slightly modified Ruby and would like to compare the latency of certain memory operations to the original ones. Here are my questions:

 > - What parameter should I compare? Ruby cycles?
Yes, if you target is the different latency between different ruby structures.
You could keep the same config file to configure ruby module and send your certain memory operations through a test file using ruby's tester, and then compare the latency of these memory transition.
You can also run the same benchmark on these different ruby modules and compare their average mem trans latencies.
Best Regards,
Hongxia SUN

2007/1/27, Dave Z. <zhu_dave@xxxxxxxxx>:

I have slightly modified Ruby and would like to compare the latency of certain memory operations to the original ones. Here are my questions:

- What parameter should I compare? Ruby cycles?
- I have added my own latency in Sequencer::issueRequest and miss_latency in Sequencer::hitCallback. But I haven't noticed huge differences in Ruby results. Am I on the right track?

Thank you very much.



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