Re: [Gems-users] Understanding ruby stats

Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2007 14:14:03 -0500
From: "Lei Yang" <lya755@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Gems-users] Understanding ruby stats
I think I understand the stats now. >From left to right: L1 state, L2 state, Directory state, event, count, percentage. Is this correct?
Could anyone answer the second question please? Is there a way in Ruby to figure out where most of the latencies come from (like gprof for c code)? I want to understand where the protocol spend the most time stalling.
Thank you!
----- Original Message -----
From: Lei Yang
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2007 2:02 PM
Subject: [Gems-users] Understanding ruby stats

Dear list,
How do I understand the following from Ruby stats?
Request vs. System State Profile
L1_I      L2_M      NA        GETS      13         0.050333
L1_I      L2_M      NA        GETX      12         0.0464612
L1_I      L2_M      NA        GET_INSTR 32         0.123897
L1_I      L2_MT     NA        PUTX      7547       29.2202
L1_I      L2_NP     I         GETS      694        2.68701
L1_I      L2_NP     I         GETX      5524       21.3876
L1_I      L2_NP     I         GET_INSTR 752        2.91157
L1_I      L2_NP     M         GETS      95         0.367818
L1_I      L2_NP     M         GETX      718        2.77993
L1_I      L2_NP     M         GET_INSTR 86         0.332972
L1_I      L2_NP     NP        GETX      102        0.39492
L1_I      L2_NP     O         GETS      6          0.0232306
L1_I      L2_NP     O         GETX      57         0.220691
L1_I      L2_NP     O         GET_INSTR 4          0.0154871
L1_I      L2_NP     S         GETS      94         0.363946
L1_I      L2_NP     S         GETX      1553       6.01285
L1_I      L2_NP     S         GET_INSTR 96         0.37169
L1_I      L2_O      NA        GET_INSTR 4          0.0154871
L1_I      L2_S      NA        GETS      4          0.0154871
L1_I      L2_S      NA        GET_INSTR 2          0.00774353
L1_I      L2_SO     NA        PUTS      47         0.181973
L1_I      L2_SO     NA        PUTX      5          0.0193588
L1_I      L2_SS     NA        PUTS      1181       4.57256
NA        L2_NP     M         PUTX      7033       27.2301
NA        L2_NP     MM        PUTX      34         0.13164
NA        L2_NP     O         PUTX      124        0.480099
NA        L2_OIV    M         PUTX      9          0.0348459
Also, is there a way in Ruby to figure out where most of the latencies come from (like gprof for c code)? I want to understand where the protocol spend the most time stalling.
Thanks in advance!

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