[Gems-users] error while reading check point

Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2007 15:36:25 -0500
From: "anurag sogal" <anuragsogal@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Gems-users] error while reading check point

When I finish installing simicsfs on the target machine(serengeti) , I
do write-checkpoint so that i dont have to boot all over again.
However the checkpoint is created .

However when I come out of simics and enter simics again like

./simics -stall

And try to do read-checkpoint it throws the following error:-

simics> read-configuration rightcheck
[error] setting attribute file in iso0:
illegal value
Error while loading a configuration: Failed to initialize all objects
This has left the configuration system in an inconsistent state.
Restarting Simics is recommended.
Failed to initialize all objects
Failed reading configuration

I cant figure out what this problem is, if somebody is familiar with
this problem it will be great. Also here iso0 is the <file-cdrom> of
simicsfs which i insert into cdrom.


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