[Gems-users] About parameters in ruby

Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2009 19:09:51 +0900
From: 안정섭 <jeong.seob.ahn@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Gems-users] About parameters in ruby

Dear everyone

I have a question about related memory parameters in GEMS. In my simics, $megs_per_cpu set 128 and i consists of system with 16processors($num_cpus = 16). So, total memory is 2GB.

But, GEMS have default memory parameters like this.
// 32 bits = 4 GB address space
g_MEMORY_SIZE_BYTES: 4294967296

Then, how many memory the simulated system have  ? 4GB or 2GB?

Also, my target architecture is serengeti and page size is 8KB in simulated system(OS Solaris10).
The g_PAGE_SIZE_BTYES and page size in simulated system is not matched.
Do i need to chage the g_PAGE_SIZE_BYTES to 8192?

Thank in advance
Jeongseob Ahn

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