Re: [Gems-users] Ruby Initialization Error

Date: Mon, 21 Sep 2009 13:02:25 -0500
From: Philip Garcia <pcgarcia@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Gems-users] Ruby Initialization Error
are you using the same checkpoint for both one and two processor runs? If so that definitely won't work, as you need to boot checkpoints with the same number of CPUs as you set ruby to use (unless using SMT in Opal). Also, does Cashew work with multi-cpus? I thought most of the solaris checkpoints were from sarengeti, and for linux, I've always used bagle.

On Sep 21, 2009, at 11:32 AM, Yunlian Jiang wrote:

I am now using simics 3.0.31 and gems-2.1.
I use the cashew-common.simics to build a checkpoint and then load Ruby.
When I set ruby0.setparam g_NUM_PROCESSORS  to 1
The initialization goes well.
But when I set set ruby0.setparam g_NUM_PROCESSORS  to 2
It dumps out the following error

Creating event queue...
Creating event queue done
Creating system...
  Processors: 2
Segmentation fault (SIGSEGV) in main thread
The simulation state has been corrupted. Simulation cannot continue.
Please restart Simics.

What would be the problem? Thanks!

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