[Gems-users] Definition of virtual networks in GEMS 2.1

Date: Tue, 3 Jan 2012 12:04:56 +0100
From: kalenji kalenji <kalenji08@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Gems-users] Definition of virtual networks in GEMS 2.1
Hi everyone,

I don't understand why virtual networks are used in GEMS 2.1 to avoid cache coherence protocol level deadlocks (as previously commented in the post:https://lists.cs.wisc.edu/archive/gems-users/2009-August/msg00034.shtml). However, the fact is that my simulations suffer from deadlock issue because some messages aren't able to arrive at their destinations on time (i.e. deadlock). Why it is important to assign a proper value to the virtual_network parameter in the definition of the coherence protocols? I tried to understand the definition of the protocols, but I don't get it.
Please, Could anybody help me?

Thanks a lot!
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