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Re: [Condor-users] Condor Java problem

I use condor/java almost exculsively and I haven't had much problems. I put the following:

JAVA = /usr/J2EE-1.4/jdk/bin/java

into the $CONDOR_HOME/local.<computer_name>/condor_config.local file.

At 11:54 AM 1/7/2005, you wrote:
None of the Linux machines in our department will acknowledge having
Java in their classads.  If I manually run condor_starter, it shows up.
I've run the test as myself, root, and condor, and in all cases, Java is
detected by condor_starter.  On the Suns, Java seems to behave
correctly.  Any ideas would be appreciated.  (I believe I mentioned
before that Condor hates me.)

Below is the output from my desktop.

- dave


keemun $ condor_starter -classad
CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 6.6.6 Jul 26 2004 $"
IsDaemonCore = True
HasFileTransfer = True
HasMPI = True
HasJICLocalConfig = True
HasJICLocalStdin = True
JavaVendor = "Sun Microsystems Inc."
JavaVersion = "1.4.2"
JavaMFlops = 135.990906
HasJava = True


keemun $ condor_status -l keemun
MyType = "Machine"
TargetType = "Job"
Name = "vm1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
Machine = "keemun.cs.utexas.edu"
Rank = ((TARGET.Group =?= "CARTEL") * 3) + ((TARGET.Group =?= "PROF") *
3) + ((TARGET.Group =?= "GRAD") * 3) + ((TARGET.Group =?= "UNDER") * 2)
CpuBusy = ((LoadAvg - CondorLoadAvg) >= 0.500000)
COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING = "ungoliant.cs.utexas.edu"
CKPT_SERVER_HOST = ungoliant.cs.utexas.edu
CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 6.6.6 Jul 26 2004 $"
CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: I386-LINUX_RH72 $"
VirtualMachineID = 1
VirtualMemory = 525622
Disk = 412332
CondorLoadAvg = 0.000000
LoadAvg = 0.020000
KeyboardIdle = 65
ConsoleIdle = 65
Memory = 250
Cpus = 1
StartdIpAddr = "<>"
Arch = "INTEL"
OpSys = "LINUX"
UidDomain = "cs.utexas.edu"
FileSystemDomain = "cs.utexas.edu"
Subnet = "128.83.120"
HasIOProxy = TRUE
TotalVirtualMemory = 1051244
TotalDisk = 824664
KFlops = 618930
Mips = 1368
LastBenchmark = 1105102361
TotalLoadAvg = 0.020000
TotalCondorLoadAvg = 0.000000
ClockMin = 692
ClockDay = 5
TotalVirtualMachines = 2
HasFileTransfer = TRUE
HasJICLocalConfig = TRUE
HasJICLocalStdin = TRUE
HasRemoteSyscalls = TRUE
HasCheckpointing = TRUE
StarterAbilityList =
CpuBusyTime = 0
CpuIsBusy = FALSE
State = "Owner"
EnteredCurrentState = 1105111961
Activity = "Idle"
EnteredCurrentActivity = 1105111961
Start = ((KeyboardIdle > 15 * 60) && (((LoadAvg - CondorLoadAvg) <=
0.300000) || (State != "Unclaimed" && State != "Owner")) &&
((TARGET.Project =?= "ARCHITECTURE") || (TARGET.Project =?=
|| (TARGET.Project =?= "INSTRUCTIONAL") || (TARGET.Project =?= "UTGRID")
|| (TARGET.Project =?= "OTHER")) && (TARGET.ProjectDescription =!=
Requirements = START
CurrentRank = 0.000000
DaemonStartTime = 1105049249
UpdateSequenceNumber = 266
MyAddress = "<>"
LastHeardFrom = 1105119166
UpdatesTotal = 1542
UpdatesSequenced = 1539
UpdatesLost = 0
UpdatesHistory = "0x00000000000000000000000000000000"

David A. Kotz <dkotz@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

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