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Re: [Condor-users] can't get Condor-G job to run

--On 02 June 2005 14:50 -0500 Jaime Frey <jfrey@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On Jun 1, 2005, at 8:29 AM, Dr Ian C. Smith wrote:

I'm trying to get Condor-G working and I've tried submitting an job similar the example in the guide:

executable = hello.ksh globusscheduler = ulgsmp1.liv.ac.uk/jobmanager-fork universe = globus output = test.out log = test.log queue

but it just remains in the idle state. The logfile (/tmp/GridmanagerLog.smithic) shows:

6/1 14:23:43 ****************************************************** 6/1 14:23:43 ** condor_gridmanager (CONDOR_GRIDMANAGER) STARTING UP 6/1 14:23:43 ** /opt1/condor/sbin/condor_gridmanager 6/1 14:23:43 ** $CondorVersion: 6.6.7 Oct 11 2004 $ 6/1 14:23:43 ** $CondorPlatform: SUN4X-SOLARIS29 $ 6/1 14:23:43 ** PID = 9333 6/1 14:23:43 ****************************************************** 6/1 14:23:43 Using config file: /etc/condor/condor_config 6/1 14:23:43 Using local config files: /opt1/condor/home/condor_config.local 6/1 14:23:43 DaemonCore: Command Socket at <> 6/1 14:23:43 [9333] GAHP server pid = 9334 6/1 14:23:46 [9333] DaemonCore: Command received via UDP from host <> 6/1 14:23:46 [9333] DaemonCore: received command 60000 (DC_RAISESIGNAL), calling handler (HandleSigCommand()) 6/1 14:23:46 [9333] Found job 142108.0 --- inserting 6/1 14:23:46 [9333] Found job 142109.0 --- inserting 6/1 14:23:46 [9333] Found job 142110.0 --- inserting 6/1 14:23:46 [9333] (142110.0) doEvaluateState called: gmState GM_INIT, globusState 32 6/1 14:23:46 [9333] (142110.0) proxy not cached yet, waiting... 6/1 14:23:46 [9333] proxy near expiration or invalid, delaying ping 6/1 14:23:46 [9333] (142109.0) doEvaluateState called: gmState GM_INIT, globusState 32 6/1 14:23:46 [9333] (142109.0) proxy not cached yet, waiting... 6/1 14:23:46 [9333] (142108.0) doEvaluateState called: gmState GM_INIT, globusState 32 6/1 14:23:46 [9333] (142108.0) proxy not cached yet, waiting... 6/1 14:23:46 [9333] GAHP command 'CACHE_PROXY_FROM_FILE' failed: Failed to import credential maj=851968 min=5 6/1 14:23:46 [9333] ERROR "GAHP cache command failed!" at line 357 in file proxymanager.C

When I use globus-job-run it's fine so the globus bit seems OK.

Any ideas on what it going wrong ?

What version of Globus did you create the proxy with, and what command did you execute (including command-line options)? Globus 4.0 introduces a new proxy format that Condor may have trouble understanding.

I'm still using GT2. I've used this on another host with condor-G and it works OK. The command I used was:

$ globus-job-run ulgsmp1 -s /home/qcl/smithic/.lfs/condor-g/hello.ksh

I've run a series of globus integration tests and these work OK apart from gsissh and gsiftp. It look as though condor-g isn't even contacting the remote gatekeeper.




|             Jaime Frey            |  Public Split on Whether        |

|         jfrey@xxxxxxxxxxx         |  Bush Is a Divider              |

|   http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~jfrey/  ;|         -- CNN Scrolling Banner |
