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Re: [Condor-users] pstree for condor jobs?


Have you tried "condor_q -dag"? That does exactly what you want, I think, although it's limited to one level of nesting.

You can also always construct your own queries with "condor_q - constraint 'DAGManJobId == xyz'", etc.


On Mar 13, 2006, at 10:56 AM, Armen Babikyan wrote:


I have an experiment with nested DAGs and thousands of submit files.
Condor seems to associate one submit file to one job, including
condor_dagman invocations.

Is there an easy way I can see the nested hierarchy of jobs in my DAG
tree? Or somehow get a higher-level grouping of all the jobs associated with one of my "experiments"? I'd like this functionality so as to run
multiple experiments at once, and to kill off experiments that have
problems/bugs that are discovered after invocation.

I could probably do this by parsing the log file for the highest-level
DAG submit file, but I'd have to be a little clumsy about making sure
the experiment is still running, and cross-reference that list with what jobs are actually running. I'm just wondering if there's a simpler way
to do this.

Essentially I'm looking for a 'pstree'-equivalent for Condor (where
condor_dagman invokes nested jobs).  Has anyone written such a utility
and is willing to share?


  - Armen

Armen Babikyan
MIT Lincoln Laboratory
armenb@xxxxxxxxxx . 781-981-1796

Condor-users mailing list

Peter Couvares                        University of Wisconsin-Madison
Condor Project Research               Department of Computer Sciences
pfc@xxxxxxxxxxx                       1210 W. Dayton St. Rm #4241
(608) 265-8936                        Madison, WI 53706-1685