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Re: [Condor-users] Condor 6.7.18 released!

Title: RE: [Condor-users] Condor 6.7.18 released!

Sorry, I was meaning the example submit tests (e.g. cpusoak).  Also using the windows MSI, I haven't checked the zip yet.


-----Original Message-----
From: condor-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:condor-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Derek Wright
Sent: March 28, 2006 12:57 PM
To: Condor-Users Mail List
Subject: Re: [Condor-users] Condor 6.7.18 released!

On Tue, 28 Mar 2006 12:14:58 -0500  "Froebe, Scott" wrote:

> I may have missed an option in the installer, but are the examples
> included?  I did a fresh install and I don't have the examples.

what examples are you refering to that you can't find?  the example
config files that document the new config knobs?  once you untar one
of the release tarballs from the webpage, and untar the "release.tar"
file contained in there, look in the etc/examples directory.

if you're talking about the windows installer package, i know nothing
about it. ;)  i'll forward this to our windows experts to see if they
can verify those packages.


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