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[Condor-users] DC_AUTHENTICATE attempt to open invalid session

I just set up a small condor cluster with a Linux central manager and 3 windows execute nodes.  I had it working fine, and then after restarting the central manager once, none of the windows nodes were in the pool.  When I checked the CollectorLog on the central manager, I got this error:

10/17 13:18:42 DC_AUTHENTICATE: attempt to open invalid session ragnar:7884:1161105222:7, failing.
10/17 13:18:48 (Sending 4 ads in response to query)
10/17 13:18:48 DaemonCore: PERMISSION DENIED to unknown user from host <> for command 10 (QUERY_STARTD_PVT_ADS)

I tried changing the settings for HOSTALLOW_READ and HOSTALLOW_WRITE between '*', '*.engin.umich.edu' and ',,' (those are the IP addresses for each of the 3 nodes) but nothing helped.  Any suggestions?

Kevin Owen
Center for Advanced Computing
University of Michigan