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[Condor-users] Condor C++ Web Services

Am running into what is likely a problem with naivety rather than 
Condor but here is my question:

Am trying to learn how to operate Condor as a web service from C++.

Used Systinet Server for C++ to convert wsdl to C++. (See 
http://www.systinet.com/products/ssc/overview, free for development 
and test.) We chose this tool because it is so well documented and 
generates generic code that is not specific to a particular vendor. 
We have used this tool successfully on a simpler interface.

Looking at the tutorial given at Condor World 2006, 
annenba_APIs.ppt, Slide 23, I get the impression that wsdl files 
should first be translated to C++. The resulting files should then be 
compiled. Have completed these two steps successfully.

The problem comes during the link step. What happens is numerous 
duplicate class definitions when a project is built that contains all 
cpp files. Is that the expectation, that all cpp files should be 
included in the same build? If not, how does one tell what files the 
project should contain?

Many thanks for your guidance and patience.