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Re: [Condor-users] Jobs queueing but not running...

Hi James,

The machine you're working on is in the "Owner" state, which means someone is actively using the machine. It's probably you... :-) Add the following line to your local config file:

Start = True

and tell the Condor startd (the worker process) to re-read it's configuration with the following command:

condor_reconfig -startd

Your jobs should start running shortly thereafter. Hope this helps! 

Tony Rippy
Phone: 888.292.5320

Cycle Computing, LLC
Leader in Condor Grid Solutions
Enterprise Condor Support and Management Tools

On Aug 27, 2008, at 11:19 PM, Morrissey, James wrote:

Hi all,

I am brand new to condor, just trying to get it to work on a single machine that is configured for execute, submit, and manager. Just using vanilla universe to submit a simple shell script. The jobs queue up, but do not execute. Daemons are all being started as root - jobs being submitted as user "condor" group "users". Part 1 config information is below. Any ideas how to get this working? I only modified part 1 of the condor_config file, there is no fully qualified domain name - just the machine name "s10-1200". S10-1200 is set to an ip address in the /etc/config.




s10-1200:~ # condor_master
s10-1200:~ #
s10-1200:~ # ps -ef | grep condo
condor    3324     1  0 09:59 ?        00:00:00 condor_master
condor    3325  3324  1 09:59 ?        00:00:00 condor_collector -f
condor    3326  3324  1 09:59 ?        00:00:00 condor_negotiator -f
condor    3327  3324  1 09:59 ?        00:00:00 condor_schedd -f
condor    3328  3324 15 09:59 ?        00:00:03 condor_startd -f
root      3344  3295  0 09:59 pts/1    00:00:00 grep condo

s10-1200:~ # su - condor
condor@s10-1200:~> condor_q

-- Submitter: s10-1200 : <> : s10-1200
  22.0   condor          8/27 09:18   0+00:00:00 I  0   9.8  go.sh

1 jobs; 1 idle, 0 running, 0 held
condor@s10-1200:~> condor_q -better-analyze

-- Submitter: s10-1200 : <> : s10-1200
022.000:  Run analysis summary.  Of 1 machines,
      0 are rejected by your job's requirements
      1 reject your job because of their own requirements
      0 match but are serving users with a better priority in the pool
      0 match but reject the job for unknown reasons
      0 match but will not currently preempt their existing job
      0 are available to run your job
        No successful match recorded.
        Last failed match: Wed Aug 27 09:33:44 2008
        Reason for last match failure: no match found

WARNING:  Be advised:   Request 22.0 did not match any resource's constraints

condor@s10-1200:~> cat go.cmd
  Executable     = /home/condor/go.sh
  Universe = vanilla
  requirements = Machine == "s10-1200"
  Log     = go.log
  output = go.out
  error = go.err



condor@s10-1200:~> condor_status -l
MyType = "Machine"
TargetType = "Job"
Name = "s10-1200"
Machine = "s10-1200"
Rank = 0.000000
CpuBusy = ((LoadAvg - CondorLoadAvg) >= 0.500000)
CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 6.8.8 Dec 19 2007 $"
CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: I386-LINUX_RHEL3 $"
VirtualMachineID = 1
VirtualMemory = 4184908
Disk = 11145532
CondorLoadAvg = 0.000000
LoadAvg = 0.010000
KeyboardIdle = 206
ConsoleIdle = 3004
Memory = 309
Cpus = 1
StartdIpAddr = "<>"
Arch = "X86_64"
OpSys = "LINUX"
UidDomain = ""
FileSystemDomain = ""
Subnet = "192.168.17"
HasIOProxy = TRUE
CheckpointPlatform = "LINUX X86_64 2.6.x normal"
TotalVirtualMemory = 4184908
TotalDisk = 11145532
TotalCpus = 1
TotalMemory = 309
KFlops = 995169
Mips = 1626
LastBenchmark = 1219856373
TotalLoadAvg = 0.010000
TotalCondorLoadAvg = 0.000000
ClockMin = 649
ClockDay = 3
TotalVirtualMachines = 1
HasFileTransfer = TRUE
HasPerFileEncryption = TRUE
HasReconnect = TRUE
HasJobDeferral = TRUE
HasJICLocalConfig = TRUE
HasJICLocalStdin = TRUE
JavaVendor = "Sun Microsystems Inc."
JavaVersion = "1.4.2_11"
JavaMFlops = 270.207855
HasJava = TRUE
HasRemoteSyscalls = TRUE
HasCheckpointing = TRUE
StarterAbilityList = "HasFileTransfer,HasPerFileEncryption,HasReconnect,HasMPI,HasTDP,HasJobDeferral,HasJICLocalConfig,HasJICLocalStdin,HasJava,HasPVM,HasRemoteSyscalls,HasCheckpointing"

CpuBusyTime = 0
CpuIsBusy = FALSE
TimeToLive = 2147483647
State = "Owner"
EnteredCurrentState = 1219859073
Activity = "Idle"
EnteredCurrentActivity = 1219859073
Start = ((KeyboardIdle > 15 * 60) && (((LoadAvg - CondorLoadAvg) <= 0.300000) || (State != "Unclaimed" && State != "Owner")))

Requirements = (START) && (IsValidCheckpointPlatform)
IsValidCheckpointPlatform = (((TARGET.JobUniverse == 1) == FALSE) || ((MY.CheckpointPlatform =!= UNDEFINED) && ((TARGET.LastCheckpointPlatform =?= MY.CheckpointPlatform) || (TARGET.NumCkpts == 0))))

MaxJobRetirementTime = 0
CurrentRank = 0.000000
MonitorSelfTime = 1219859254
MonitorSelfCPUUsage = 0.008332
MonitorSelfImageSize = 8156.000000
MonitorSelfResidentSetSize = 3636
MonitorSelfAge = 0
MonitorSelfRegisteredSocketCount = 2
DaemonStartTime = 1219856368
UpdateSequenceNumber = 11
MyAddress = "<>"
LastHeardFrom = 1219859419
UpdatesTotal = 12
UpdatesSequenced = 11
UpdatesLost = 0
UpdatesHistory = "0x00000000000000000000000000000000"


/* Condor_config part 1 below */

##  ######                                     #
##  #     #    ##    #####    #####           ##
##  #     #   #  #   #    #     #            # #
##  ######   #    #  #    #     #              #
##  #        ######  #####      #              #
##  #        #    #  #   #      #              #
##  #        #    #  #    #     #            #####
##  Part 1:  Settings you must customize:

##  What machine is your central manager?
CONDOR_HOST = s10-1200

##  Pathnames:
##  Where have you installed the bin, sbin and lib condor directories?
RELEASE_DIR             = /usr/local/condor

##  Where is the local condor directory for each host?
##  This is where the local config file(s), logs and
##  spool/execute directories are located
#LOCAL_DIR              = $(TILDE)
LOCAL_DIR               = /scratch/condor
#LOCAL_DIR              = $(RELEASE_DIR)/hosts/$(HOSTNAME)

##  Where is the machine-specific local config file for each host?
LOCAL_CONFIG_FILE = /scratch/condor/condor_config.local

## If the local config file is not present, is it an error?
## WARNING: This is a potential security issue.
## If not specificed, te default is True

##  Mail parameters:
##  When something goes wrong with condor at your site, who should get
##  the email?
CONDOR_ADMIN            = condor@localhost

##  Full path to a mail delivery program that understands that "-s"
##  means you want to specify a subject:
MAIL                    = /usr/bin/mail

##  Network domain parameters:
##  Internet domain of machines sharing a common UID space.  If your
##  machines don't share a common UID space, set it to
##  to specify that each machine has its own UID space.
##  UID_DOMAIN          = your.domain
UID_DOMAIN = s10-1200

##  Internet domain of machines sharing a common file system.
##  If your machines don't use a network file system, set it to
##  to specify that each machine has its own file system.
##  FILESYSTEM_DOMAIN   = your.domain

##  This macro is used to specify a short description of your pool.
##  It should be about 20 characters long. For example, the name of
##  the UW-Madison Computer Science Condor Pool is ``UW-Madison CS''.
COLLECTOR_NAME          = condor_td
s10-1200:/usr/local/condor/etc #

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