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Re: [Condor-users] testing condor-G (Non Local Crashed)

txcom2003@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

>Hello there..
>I'm trying to test condor-G fault tolerant for non local crashed 
>this article "Condor-G: A Computation Management Agent for
>Multi-Institutional Grids" by terminating globus job manager daemon. but
>when i searched the pid of the daemon with command ps ax | grep globus. 
>got :
>26652 ?        S      0:00
>/opt/globus/libexec/globus-scheduler-event-generator -s fork -t 
>20439 ?        S      0:00
>/opt/globus/libexec/globus-scheduler-event-generator -s condor -t
>Are they job manager daemon ?
>I use condor-G, globus toolkit 4.0.7 and condor 7.0.1.

Hi Tonny,

I think that the daemon is called globus-job-manager, like this:

[someuser@somehost ~]$ ps -A | grep gl
 5958 ?        00:05:01 globus-schedule
 5974 ?        00:04:57 globus-schedule
 5981 ?        00:00:36 globus-schedule
30451 ?        00:00:03 globus-job-mana
30491 ?        00:00:03 globus-job-mana
30836 ?        00:00:03 globus-job-mana
30857 ?        00:00:03 globus-job-mana

In the long form (ps -Af = _a_ll processes, long _f_ormat) that would 

mcgridws 30857     1  0 May20 ?        00:00:03 globus-job-manager 
-conf /usr/local/globus/etc/globus-job-manager.conf -type condor -rdn 
jobmanager-condor -machine-type unknown -publish-jobs -condor-arch 
INTEL -condor-os LINUX
