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[Condor-users] stata job all the time.

when I submit stata,Matlab and Sas jobs on condor(window),the jobs stay in the 
state "running" all the time. 

Here is my submit file for stata:
Universe                   = vanilla
Requirements           = OpSys == "WINNT51"
Executable                 = stata.bat
#Arguments                  = example.do
Log                        =stata.log
Output                     = stata.out
Error                      = stata.err
should_transfer_files = YES
when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT
transfer_input_files = example.do

transfer_output_files = example.log

batch file
start /w "c:\program files\Stata10\wsestata.exe" -b do example

000 (057.000.000) 07/24 08:27:10 Job submitted from host: <1xx.xx.xx.xx:1071>
001 (057.000.000) 07/24 08:27:28 Job executing on host: <1x8.xx0.1xx.xxx:3442>
006 (057.000.000) 07/24 08:32:36 Image size of job updated: 152772
006 (057.000.000) 07/24 08:42:36 Image size of job updated: 153164
006 (057.000.000) 07/24 08:47:36 Image size of job updated: 153176
006 (057.000.000) 07/24 09:07:36 Image size of job updated: 153336
006 (057.000.000) 07/24 09:12:36 Image size of job updated: 153488

so I want to know the reason for it
Any help will be appraciated.
Best Regards,