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[Condor-users] It just shows it's running but without any result and never ends!

Dear All,

I am new to condor. I try to submit a hello world program as a job to condor. Condor server is linux and I write my program with c and compile it with gcc as follows:

    #include <stdio.h>
    int main(void)
printf("hello, Condor\n");
return 0;

The code is compiled (using gcc) to produce object files:

    gcc -c hello.c -o hello.o

    condor_compile gcc hello.o -o hello

With the following description file:
# Submit description file for hello program
Executable = hello
Universe = standard
Output = hello.out
Log = hello.log
Finally I
 submit the job:
    condor_submit submit.hello
But when I check the status of the job using "condor_q" it shows it as idle job, and "condor_q -analyze"  shows the followinh information:
471.000:  Run analysis summary.  Of 1082 machines,
   1082 are rejected by your job's requirements
      0 reject your job because of their own requirements
      0 match but are serving users with a better priority in the pool
      0 match but reject the job for unknown reasons
      0 match but will not currently preempt their existing job
      0 are available to run your job
        No successful match recorded.
        Last failed match: Thu Mar 19 16:22:39 2009
        Reason for last match failure: no match found

WARNING:  Be advised:
   No resources matched request's constraints
   Check the Requirements _expression_ below:

Requirements = (Arch == "X86_64") && (OpSys == "LINUX") && ((CkptArch == Arch) || (CkptArch =?= UNDEFINED)) && ((CkptOpSys == OpSys) || (CkptOpSys =?= UNDEFINED)) && (Disk >= DiskUsage) && ((Memory * 1024) >= ImageSize)

1 jobs; 1 idle, 0 running, 0 held
I change the requirements and change the description file to follow:
# New Submit description file

universe              = standard
executable            = hello
requirements  = OpSys == "WINNT52" && Arch =="INTEL" && Machine == "test5"
output                = hello.out
error                 = obj.error.$(Process)
should_transfer_files = YES
when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT
queue 1

and submit the job again, it shows its running but there is no output and in never
ends, it just shows its running!
Please let me know what can I do?
I appreciate any hint.

F@TeMeH |(@RiMiR@|)