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[Condor-users] submitting a job within a vm to a pool of native systems

Hello there,

I submit a job on a native system, the job matches and executes as normal; however, when I submit the job in a VM, the job fails to match. Here is the output of "condor_q -better-analyze":

The Requirements expression for your job is:

( target.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( target.OpSys == "LINUX" ) &&
( target.Disk >= DiskUsage ) && ( ( ( target.Memory * 1024 ) >= ImageSize ) &&
( ( RequestMemory * 1024 ) >= ImageSize ) ) && ( target.HasFileTransfer )

    Condition                         Machines Matched    Suggestion
    ---------                         ----------------    ----------
1 ( ( ( 1024 * target.Memory ) >= 10 ) && ( ( 1024 * ceiling(ifThenElse(JobVMMemory isnt undefined,JobVMMemory,9.765625000000000E-03)) ) >= 10 ) )
                                      0                   REMOVE
2   ( target.Arch == "X86_64" )       24
3   ( target.OpSys == "LINUX" )       26
4   ( target.Disk >= 10 )             26
5   ( target.HasFileTransfer )        26

Do I need to add something to the submit file to fix this? Or, is there a way to remove condition #1 as the output suggests?

I am using condor on Centos 5 for the server and RHEL 5 for the submit machine.

Thank you,