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[Condor-users] How are target.OpSys and memory requirements configured?

I am just starting out with Condor and failing to get the printname example to run on my machines.  The classad doesn’t match anything due to a 'target.OpSys == "WINNT51"' and some complex memory condition.  I didn't set these things and can't figure out how to override them.
I tried explicitly setting a "Requirements" string in the name.sub file, but that had no affect.  The "target.OpSys == WINNT51" condition remains.  I cannot find any mention of such an "OpSys" setting in any of the condor config files on this network.


Name             OpSys      Arch   State     Activity LoadAv Mem
slot1@BULL       WINNT52    INTEL  Unclaimed Idle     0.000  2047
slot2@BULL       WINNT52    INTEL  Unclaimed Idle     0.000  2047
slot1@Hammerhead WINNT52    INTEL  Unclaimed Idle     0.000  2047
slot2@Hammerhead WINNT52    INTEL  Unclaimed Idle     0.000  2047

C:\condor\examples\printname>condor_submit name.sub
[Get idle cluster 10; never runs.]

C:\condor\examples\printname>condor_q -better-analyze 10
-- Submitter: ROWE-PC : <> : ROWE-PC
WARNING:  Be advised:
   No resources matched request's constraints

The Requirements expression for your job is:

( target.Arch == "INTEL" ) && ( target.OpSys == "WINNT51" ) &&
( target.Disk >= DiskUsage ) && ( ( target.Memory * 1024 ) >= ImageSize ) &&
( ( RequestMemory * 1024 ) >= ImageSize ) && ( target.HasFileTransfer )

    Condition                         Machines Matched    Suggestion
    ---------                         ----------------    ----------
1   ( target.OpSys == "WINNT51" )     0                   REMOVE
2   ( ( 1024 * ceiling(ifThenElse(JobVMMemory isnt undefined,JobVMMemory,9.765625000000000E-004)) )
>= 1 )
                                      0                   REMOVE
3   ( target.Arch == "INTEL" )        4
4   ( target.Disk >= 1 )              4
5   ( ( 1024 * target.Memory ) >= 1 ) 4
6   ( target.HasFileTransfer )        4