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[Condor-users] condor_rm not transferring the files back to submitter

Dear Group,

I have submitted the following job into the queue of condor"

executable = /usr/local/bin/matlab_divx_pro
should_transfer_files = YES
when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT_OR_EVICT
universe = vanilla
getenv = True
notification = Error
run_as_owner = True
load_profile = True
initialdir =/usr/local/bin/
concurrency_limits = matlab
transfer_output_files = output
stream_error = true
stream_output = true
priority = 0
args =    -no_sva   -report Report_2011-07-14_13-06-14_c_
Error = log.err
Output = log.out
Log = log.log

However, when removing the job from the q using condor_rm I want to get the log files, and output files back to submit machine.

In the condor documents I see that "when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT_OR_EVICT" it should "always do the transfer, whether the job completes on its own, is preempted by another job, vacates the machine, or is killed." (see here http://www.cs.wisc.edu/condor/manual/v7.6/2_5Submitting_Job.html#SECTION00354200000000000000)

But when doing condor_rm to the specific job I don't get the files back.

Can someone help or drop a comment?
