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Re: [Condor-users] OpenSuse11.2 should install which version of condor?

> > Hello Nick,
> > 
> > Could you share with us the building procedure !
> First, wait for 7.5.6 to be released...  Real soon now (I think we're
> targetting next week).  Hmm, tell you what... I'm installing openSUSE 11.2
> in a VirtualBox machine as we speak.  I'll build Condor on it, note the
> steps I took.  You can then either use my build, or build it yourself. 
> How's that?

Look at the "Building Condor on UNIX" page for general advice:

1. (as root): 

a. Add the devel tools repository:
# zypper ar 
"Devel Tools"

b. Install minimal components: cmake (& cmake-gui) & pcre-devel
# zypper in cmake cmake-gui pcre-devel

You should get version 1.8.3 from the above repo

2. as user:
a. Extract source tarball (in my case I pulled V7_5_6-branch from the git 

b. run cmake:
./configure_uw \

Turn on whatever options you like.  Run "./nmi_tools/glue/SubmitInfo.pm 
opensuse" to see what options we use when building on NMI.

Alternately, run cmake-gui -- I think it's easier to select the options that 
you want from within the GUI.

Hope this all helps.
