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Re: [Condor-users] no CPU time for a finished job!!

Hi Matt,

Those jobs should run for 10 to 15 sec. or so but most of the time it comes as 0. Do you think a small STARTER_UPDATE_INTERVAL value will improve this situation?


On 03/27/2011 04:00 PM, Santanu Das wrote:
Hi there,

I see there are a number of jobs with JobStats 4, but the 'RemoteUserCpu
+ RemoteSysCPU' is still 0 - is it a common thing?

[testac1@serv07 /]$ condor_history -l 488692 | egrep '^JobStatus|RemoteSysCPU|RemoteUserCpu'
    RemoteUserCpu = 0.000000
    JobStatus = 4

Does anyone know the reason?


Could be that the job ran for such a short period that the runtime stats were never collected. IIRC, shrinking STARTER_UPDATE_INTERVAL can get stats polled more frequently. It will increase the network load starter->shadow, but not shadow->schedd.

