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[Condor-users] Java world and executable parameter...


I'm trying to run a Java class which is found in a .jar file. I don't have access to the .class file thus the following .condor definition fails

Universe                = java
Executable              = net.sf.ngstools.main.SAMPairing
Arguments               = -M 2000 -d 5 ID47_TGACCA_L008_007_bowtie2.sam
ID47_TGACCA_L008_007_bowtie2_d5.bam >& ID47_TGACCA_L008_007_bowtie2_pairing.log
Log                     = demo.log.$(cluster).$(process)
Output                  = demo.output.$(cluster).$(process)
Error                   = demo.error.$(cluster).$(process)
should_transfer_files   = YES
when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT_OR_EVICT
transfer_input_files    = ID47_TGACCA_L008_007_bowtie2.sam
jar_files               = sam-1.68.jar,NGSTools2.jar

I appreciate your suggestions.
