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Re: [HTCondor-users] Run on a specific hours and machines

On Fri, Dec 27, 2013 at 12:29 AM, Dennis Zheleznyak
<dennis@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> 1. Run the jobs on the listed machines by order.

If you want ordering, a DAG is probably the way to go. You can define
each job as a child of the previous, and each job would have the
requirements set to a particular machine.

> 2. While all the computes nodes don't have the permission to submit jobs,
> what do I edit and what do I write to allow the jobs to run only after 9 pm
> and on the weekends.
If you want *all* jobs to only run during those periods (and assuming
jobs should stop at 8am), you could define something like this on your
compute nodes:

  IsWeekend = (ClockDay == 0 || ClockDay == 6)
  AfterHours = (ClockMin < 480 || ClockMin >= 1260)
  START = $(IsWeekend) || $(AfterHours)

See http://research.cs.wisc.edu/htcondor/manual/latest/3_5Policy_Configuration.html
for more information.

If you want only your particular jobs to run during those periods,
then you'll want to include something like '+RestrictedHoursJob =
True' to your submit file and then on your compute nodes:

  IsWeekend = (ClockDay == 0 || ClockDay == 6)
  AfterHours = (ClockMin < 480 || ClockMin >= 1260)
  START = ($(START) && TARGET.RestrictedHoursJob =!= True) \
     || (( $(IsWeekend) || $(AfterHours) ) &&
TARGET.RestrictedHoursJob =?= True )


Ben Cotton
main: 888.292.5320

Cycle Computing
Leader in Utility HPC Software

twitter: @cyclecomputing