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[HTCondor-users] No Starter found to Run


I am having an issue configuring condor to run jobs. Currently there is a node that acts as a head node from which the jobs are submitted and where all of the nodes in the compute unit can be seen; however, when submitting a job, the logs in the head node indicate that the job has been submitted, but the job does not run. The queue shows that the job has been submitted; however the state is perpetually pending. The following is a snippet of the StartLog on the compute node:

06/18/13 14:07:19 slot1: Received match <>#1371557953#351#...
06/18/13 14:07:19 slot1: State change: match notification protocol successful
06/18/13 14:07:19 slot1: Changing state: Unclaimed -> Matched
06/18/13 14:07:19 slot1: No starter found to run this job!  Is something wrong with your Condor installation?
06/18/13 14:07:19 slot1: Request to claim resource refused.
06/18/13 14:07:19 slot1: State change: claiming protocol failed
06/18/13 14:07:19 slot1: Changing state: Matched -> Owner
06/18/13 14:07:19 slot1: State change: IS_OWNER is false
06/18/13 14:07:19 slot1: Changing state: Owner -> Unclaimed

Does anybody have insight into this issue?
