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Re: [HTCondor-users] Condor & Bosco submissions

On Mar 1, 2013, at 5:00 AM, Guillermo Marco Puche <guillermo.marco@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> I've been trying Bosco lately and seems to work pretty well for me to submit to another lan cluster SGE cluster.
> For example:
> $ condor_q
> -- Submitter: brugal : <> : brugal
>  ID      OWNER            SUBMITTED     RUN_TIME ST PRI SIZE CMD               
>   62.0   gmarco          3/1  04:43   0+00:14:32 R  0   0.0  bwa.sh
> I was then trying to achieve the same but with my local Condor installation and not with condor pool inside Bosco. I'm having no success when trying to submit exactly the same condor job file:
> As root i start condor with "condor_master".
> ps -ef | grep condor
> condor    3850     1  0 05:05 ?        00:00:00 condor_master
> condor    3851  3850  0 05:05 ?        00:00:00 condor_collector -f
> condor    3853  3850  0 05:05 ?        00:00:00 condor_negotiator -f
> condor    3854  3850  0 05:05 ?        00:00:00 condor_schedd -f
> condor    3855  3850  0 05:05 ?        00:00:00 condor_startd -f
> root      3856  3854  0 05:05 ?        00:00:00 condor_procd -A /var/run/condor/procd_pipe.SCHEDD -L /var/log/condor/ProcLog.SCHEDD -R 10000000 -S 60 -C 498
> condor    3907  3855 87 05:05 ?        00:00:03 mips
> root      3924  3758  0 05:05 pts/0    00:00:00 grep condor
> I try to submit my job and holds on Idle state forever, with Bosco I don't have that problem:
> condor_q
> -- Submitter: brugal : <> : brugal
>  ID      OWNER            SUBMITTED     RUN_TIME ST PRI SIZE CMD                        
>   26.0   gmarco          3/1  05:07   0+00:00:00 I  0   0.0  bwa.sh    
> That's my job file:
> universe = grid
> grid_resource = batch sge gmarco@cacique
> executable = bwa.sh
> output = bwa.out
> error = bwa.err
> log = bwa.log
> should_transfer_files = YES
> transfer_output = true
> stream_output = true
> when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT_OR_EVICT
> queue       

Submitting jobs to a remote cluster using a regular installation of HTCondor requires some manual configuration steps, which we don't have documented currently. This is one of the advantages of Bosco. Over time, we may make this kind of job submission easier to do with a regular HTCondor installation.

Thanks and regards,
Jaime Frey
UW-Madison HTCondor Project