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Re: [HTCondor-users] GPU Management

Hi Owen,

We have not so nice solution as Tim has:
We have defined as many slots as many different use-case we expect:
We have 12 CPU cores  and 2 Tesla cards.
And we have defined start condition for all the supported use-cases.
(Singe CPU, multi CPU, single GPU+GPU, single GPU, etc.)
The config file is quite complex, but it works. I can send it you, if
you are interested in. (I don't want to pollute the list with it.)



On 2013.03.11. 15:04, Tim St Clair wrote:
Hi Owen -

You may want to try our 'Machine Local Limits': https://htcondor-wiki.cs.wisc.edu/index.cgi/tktview?tn=2905

It's only in 7.9.0&>  .


----- Original Message -----
From: "Owen Hickey"<ohickey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: htcondor-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Monday, March 11, 2013 7:16:05 AM
Subject: [HTCondor-users] GPU Management

Dear Condor users and developers,

we are a research group for computational physics in Stuttgart,
Germany. We use condor to manage a lot of our computing resources.
Recently we have added GPUs to most of our nodes and would like to
include those as separate resources into Condor. We have tried the
recipe prescribed on the internet, namely putting


     RANK = (target.wantGPU =?= true)*10000000

into the individual hosts configuration files. This does allow us to
ask for machines having a GPU in the submit script.  The problem is
that Condor launches as many jobs as there are CPU slots thus making
the jobs run extremely slow.  What we would like to do is make it so
that Condor tries to launch two GPU jobs per node.  We would also
to make it so that the user can request that theirs be the only GPU
job on the node.

Any help would be very much appreciated.

Owen Hickey
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