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Re: [HTCondor-users] Job Submission

What is the meaning of this error..
"Cannot find the address of local schedd"

On 03/18/2013 04:29 AM, 钱晓明 wrote:

I am a beginner too, and I just tell you what I do after that error:

condor_rm all jobs which had been hold
Use rpm to uninstall condor
Use ctrl+alt+F4 to switch to another terminal
Login as root(it seems that sudo does not work)
Use rpm to install HTCondor
Run condor_master and condor_on
Switch to GUI and login as normal user
Sumbit jobs

This can make jobs to run, and after reboot, it also works fine.
I think there must be other better solutions to this...

在 2013-3-18 AM1:19,"Usman Khan" <muakrules@xxxxxxxx> 写道:
On 03/17/2013 05:21 PM, 钱晓明 wrote:
I run deamons as root as you said but it still not working.
Job gone held again

Just as my error!
Try to run condor daemons as root, this can avoid many errors for beginners.

在 2013-3-17 PM8:17,"Usman Khan" <muakrules@xxxxxxxx> 写道:
Hello guys!
I tried to submit my first job on HTCondor which is a simple fibonacci series program.
but when I submit my job to personal condor, then job goes held and display following output in log file. Plz help me out through this.

000 (001.000.000) 03/17 14:31:07 Job submitted from host: <>
007 (001.000.000) 03/17 14:51:11 Shadow exception!
        Error from slot1@muakBook: Failed to open '/home/muak/condor/exa/fib.out' as standard output: Permission denied (errno 13)
        0  -  Run Bytes Sent By Job
        0  -  Run Bytes Received By Job
012 (001.000.000) 03/17 14:51:12 Job was held.
        Error from slot1@muakBook: Failed to open '/home/muak/condor/exa/fib.out' as standard output: Permission denied (errno 13)
        Code 7 Subcode 13

What Should I do now?
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