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Re: [HTCondor-users] Condor/SGE cluster


okay, I've found the error.

I had to add a line to /usr/libexec/condor/glite/bin/sge_submit.sh which includes the location of "qsub" to PATH.

By the way, there is some pointless code in this script:

jobID=`qsub $bls_tmp_file 2> /dev/null | perl -ne 'print $1 if /^Your job (\d+)/;'` # actual submission
if [ "$retcode" != "0" -o -z "$jobID" ] ; then
    rm -f $bls_tmp_file
    exit 1

retcode is always 0 as 'print $1 if /^Your job (\d+) /;' is a valid statement and therefore perl -ne 'print $1 if /^Your job (\d+) /;' always returns true.

If you want to check the return code of qsub then you have to split up the first line. For example:

out=$(qsub $bls_tmp_file 2> /dev/null)
jobID=$(echo $out | perl -ne 'print $1 if /^Your job (\d+) /;')
if [ "$retcode" != "0" -o -z "$jobID" ] ; then
    rm -f $bls_tmp_file
    exit 1

And for readability reasons you could use awk '{ print $3 }' instead of perl -ne 'print $1 if /^Your job (\d+) /;'.

Furthermore, it would be nice if this script would generate some error messages or an error log.
