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[HTCondor-users] FW: GAMS and Condor

Hello fellow condor users,

Can anyone help us with the below thread? We are trying to run GAMS on our condor cluster, does anyone have both the GAMS and condor setup files that we could look it as an example.


-----Original Message-----
From: Nicholas Civ Paul J 
Sent: Friday, June 27, 2014 9:04 AM
To: support@xxxxxxxx
Cc: Tkacheff CIV Jeffrey C
Subject: GAMS and Condor

Good morning,
I'm Paul Nicholas, an operations research analyst working for the U.S. Marine Corps in Quantico, VA.  
We're attempting to solve an integer program using GAMS and Cplex.  We can solve the problem using "toy" input data on a desktop system, but anything larger fails, even after a week of computation.  We have a computer cluster with Condor, and would like to leverage this system to hopefully find solutions within a reasonable amount of time.

Do you have an example of the use of Condor with GAMS?  We've run Condor with other programs, but never with GAMS.  

I asked this question last year and received a some help from Toni, but the information was very generic.  I was hoping for a specific, working example .gms file that we could study and then build upon.  

Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated!

Paul Nicholas
Operations Research Analyst
Operations Analysis Division
Marine Corps Combat Development Command
(703) 784-0433

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