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[HTCondor-users] Condor_view showing "Sorry, no data for this month (yet!)

I'm a newbie to HTCondor, but I'm trying to get a condor view server set up (using http://research.cs.wisc.edu/htcondor/manual/v8.3/3_12Setting_Up.html#sec:Contrib-HTCondorView-Install) on a host that is not currently serving as an execute (or any other function) node in the pool. I'll refer to condorview machine as server54. We're running 8.2.9-335839.x86_64 on Centos 6.7.

On server54, I have the following

VIEW_SERVER_ARGS = -f -p 12345

This is all sitting behind an nginx server, and it has been collecting stats since yesterday afternoon. Every time I click on any of the links on the Statistics page, I get the "Sorry, no data for this month (yet!) page. Â

[root@server54 condor]# condor_config_val DAEMON_LIST

Here is the ViewServerLog:

08/28/15 10:33:31 Setting maximum file descriptors to 10240.
08/28/15 10:33:31 ******************************************************
08/28/15 10:33:31 ** condor_collector (CONDOR_COLLECTOR) STARTING UP
08/28/15 10:33:31 ** /usr/sbin/condor_collector
08/28/15 10:33:31 ** SubsystemInfo: name=COLLECTOR type=COLLECTOR(3) class=DAEMON(1)
08/28/15 10:33:31 ** Configuration: subsystem:COLLECTOR local:<NONE> class:DAEMON
08/28/15 10:33:31 ** $CondorVersion: 8.2.9 Aug 13 2015 BuildID: 335839 $
08/28/15 10:33:31 ** $CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $
08/28/15 10:33:31 ** PID = 9952
08/28/15 10:33:31 ** Log last touched 8/28 10:33:29
08/28/15 10:33:31 ******************************************************
08/28/15 10:33:31 Using config source: /etc/condor/condor_config
08/28/15 10:33:31 Using local config sources:
08/28/15 10:33:31 Â Â/etc/condor/config.d/40condorview.config
08/28/15 10:33:31 Â Â/etc/condor/config.d/40root.config
08/28/15 10:33:31 Â Â/etc/condor/config.d/41shared_port.config
08/28/15 10:33:31 Â Â/etc/condor/condor_config.local
08/28/15 10:33:31 config Macros = 74, Sorted = 74, StringBytes = 2039, TablesBytes = 2736
08/28/15 10:33:31 CLASSAD_CACHING is ENABLED
08/28/15 10:33:31 Daemon Log is logging: D_ALWAYS D_ERROR
08/28/15 10:33:31 DaemonCore: command socket at <>
08/28/15 10:33:31 DaemonCore: private command socket at <>
08/28/15 10:33:31 In ViewServer::Init()
08/28/15 10:33:31 In CollectorDaemon::Init()
08/28/15 10:33:31 In ViewServer::Config()
08/28/15 10:33:31 In CollectorDaemon::Config()
08/28/15 10:33:31 ABSENT_REQUIREMENTS = None
08/28/15 10:33:31 OfflineCollectorPlugin::configure: no persistent store was defined for off-line ads.
08/28/15 10:33:31 enable: Creating stats hash table
08/28/15 10:33:31 Enabling CCB Server.
08/28/15 10:33:31 Configuration: SAMPLING_INTERVAL=60, MAX_STORAGE=100000000, MaxFileSize=3333333, POOL_HISTORY_DIR=/var/lib/condor/view
08/28/15 10:33:31 FileName=/var/lib/condor/view/viewhist0.0.old , StartTime=-1
08/28/15 10:33:31 FileName=/var/lib/condor/view/viewhist0.0.new , StartTime=1440530668
08/28/15 10:33:31 FileName=/var/lib/condor/view/viewhist0.1.old , StartTime=-1
08/28/15 10:33:31 FileName=/var/lib/condor/view/viewhist0.1.new , StartTime=1440530908
08/28/15 10:33:31 FileName=/var/lib/condor/view/viewhist0.2.old , StartTime=-1
08/28/15 10:33:31 FileName=/var/lib/condor/view/viewhist0.2.new , StartTime=1440533788
08/28/15 10:33:31 FileName=/var/lib/condor/view/viewhist1.0.old , StartTime=1440522506
08/28/15 10:33:31 Failed to parse first line of /var/lib/condor/view/viewhist1.0.new
08/28/15 10:33:31 FileName=/var/lib/condor/view/viewhist1.0.new , StartTime=-1
08/28/15 10:33:31 FileName=/var/lib/condor/view/viewhist1.1.old , StartTime=-1
08/28/15 10:33:31 FileName=/var/lib/condor/view/viewhist1.1.new , StartTime=1440523226
08/28/15 10:33:31 FileName=/var/lib/condor/view/viewhist1.2.old , StartTime=-1
08/28/15 10:33:31 FileName=/var/lib/condor/view/viewhist1.2.new , StartTime=1440526108
08/28/15 10:33:31 FileName=/var/lib/condor/view/viewhist2.0.old , StartTime=-1
08/28/15 10:33:31 FileName=/var/lib/condor/view/viewhist2.0.new , StartTime=1440522506
08/28/15 10:33:31 FileName=/var/lib/condor/view/viewhist2.1.old , StartTime=-1
08/28/15 10:33:31 FileName=/var/lib/condor/view/viewhist2.1.new , StartTime=1440523226
08/28/15 10:33:31 FileName=/var/lib/condor/view/viewhist2.2.old , StartTime=-1
08/28/15 10:33:31 FileName=/var/lib/condor/view/viewhist2.2.new , StartTime=1440526108
08/28/15 10:33:31 FileName=/var/lib/condor/view/viewhist3.0.old , StartTime=-1
08/28/15 10:33:31 FileName=/var/lib/condor/view/viewhist3.0.new , StartTime=1440530668
08/28/15 10:33:31 FileName=/var/lib/condor/view/viewhist3.1.old , StartTime=-1
08/28/15 10:33:31 FileName=/var/lib/condor/view/viewhist3.1.new , StartTime=1440530908

And then Âa bunch of messages like:

08/28/15 10:38:30 SubmittorAd Â: Inserting ** "< mfan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx , >"
08/28/15 10:38:30 stats: Inserting new hashent for 'Submittor':'mfan@xxxxxxxx':''
08/28/15 10:38:31 Accumulating data: Time=1440772711
08/28/15 10:38:40 StartdAd   : Inserting ** "< slot1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx , >"
08/28/15 10:38:40 stats: Inserting new hashent for 'Start':'slot1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx':''
08/28/15 10:38:40 StartdPvtAd Â: Inserting ** "< slot1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx , >"
08/28/15 10:38:40 stats: Inserting new hashent for 'StartdPvt':'slot1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx':''

So it looks like the jobs are being reported correctly, and the cronjobs are running. Any ideas why my data isn't showing up?


Charles Yang
Senior Research Engineer

O: (240) 582-3585 x 23036