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Re: [HTCondor-users] Prematurely exiting job_router route via Hooks

>  Is there a way for *hooks* to end a route prematurely once it has been established? Our `translate` hooks can already detect if routing a job is useful, but we haven't found a way to tell this to the router.

Hi Max,

I am facing a similar issue. Sometimes I have jobs that cannot be
executed, and I would like them to not be routed at all.

BTW, there is way to generate the routing tables with a script.
This can become very handy as it allows you to perform checks and
validations, and generate the routing tables on the fly based on the
results of those validations.
I am not sure that would help in your case, but just in case. [1]
In my case, what I do as well is to have a special route for those
jobs with requirements that cannot be satisfied. In that route, I also

1. set  EditJobInPlace, so no extra job is cloned from it
2. set an ad-hoc classad like "do_no_reroute_me_anymore", that I can
use to detect if that job already passed previously the routing
mechanism or not
3. I finally set a very aggressive PERIODIC_REMOVE expression for that
job, killing it after a few seconds being IDLE.

However, I think that solution is ugly even though it seems to work.
I think there should be a configuration variable like
"HOLD_IF_NO_ROUTE" or similar that allows us to decide if we want the
current behavior or we prefer to put on HOLD those jobs that fail at
the TRANSLATE hook.

Anyways, I am more than interested on any progress you make dealing with this.


[1] http://research.cs.wisc.edu/htcondor/manual/v8.4/3_3Configuration.html#27292