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[HTCondor-users] Problem with output & error paths



I am using HTCondor 8.6.11 on Windows submitting a job that has output, error and log files directed to a windows share.

When I write the paths in a standard way, i.e:

output = \\smb-server\path\to\file.out

error = \\smb-server\path\to\file.err

log = \\smb-server\path\to\file.log


The job works fine only when executed in the subitting machine (it also happens to be the master), but when it is executed in another machine, it generates file.out file.err with size 0 and then tries to open file paths:




So either I get those files in the root directory of the submitter when the user has rights to create them, or an error message in the log file:


007 (012.000.000) 08/28 10:15:58 Shadow exception!

                Error from slot1_1@fqdn-executing-machine: STARTER at ip-executing-machine failed to send file(s) to <ip-submitter-machine:9618>; SHADOW at ip-submitter-machine failed to write to file \smb-serverpathtofile.out: (errno 13) Permission denied

                572  -  Run Bytes Sent By Job

                0  -  Run Bytes Received By Job


012 (012.000.000) 08/28 10:15:58 Job was held.

                Error from slot1_1@fqdn-executing-machine: STARTER at ip-executing-machine failed to send file(s) to <ip-submitter-machine:9618>; SHADOW at ip-submitter-machine failed to write to file \smb-serverpathtofile.out: (errno 13) Permission denied

                Code 12 Subcode 13


So the problem seems to be that I need to escape the backslashes. I have then tried to write the paths like this, doubling the backslashes:


output = \\\\smb-server\\path\\to\\file.out

error = \\\\smb-server\\path\\to\\file.err

log = \\\\smb-server\\path\\to\\file.log


This way the job works for remote execution machines, but not in the submitting host. In the submitter, again the .out and .err files get created with size 0, but then I get this in the .log:


007 (027.000.000) 08/28 12:19:24 Shadow exception!

                Error from slot1_1@fqdn-submitting-machine: Failed to open '\\\\smb-server\\path\\to\\file.out' as standard output: No such file or directory (errno 2)

                0  -  Run Bytes Sent By Job

                0  -  Run Bytes Received By Job


012 (027.000.000) 08/28 12:19:25 Job was held.

                Error from slot1_1@fqdn-submitting-machine: Failed to open '\\\\smb-server\\path\\to\\file.out' as standard output: No such file or directory (errno 2)

                Code 7 Subcode 2


Looks like the submitter does not like the escaping technique...

The rest of the options I am using are these:

universe = vanilla

run_as_owner = true

transfer_executable = false


Note that the .log file is always created and perfectly written to using either method of writing the paths.


Is there a way to write the paths so the job works both in the submitter and remote machines?


Thanks a lot!
