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Re: [HTCondor-users] Condor log timestamps at milliseconds

Hi Todd,
Thanks for the response. I guess one way then would be to compile with that option myself from the source, but risk some compatibility issue, right?
Is it possible to log this as a ticket for the next release or something?

On 24-Feb-18 4:12 AM, Todd Tannenbaum wrote:
On 2/23/2018 7:19 AM, Samik Raychaudhuri wrote:

By default, the log lines in EventLog has the EventTime field resolved 
at second, as shown below. Is it possible to get a resolution of 
millisecond in the logs file instead?

No, not really.  :(

There appears to be a compile-time option to enable millisecond resolution of the EventTime field, but it looks to be disabled for a reason.  

The source code section I am referring is at


define ULOG_MICROSECONDS on linux to get microsecond resolution in the
user log.  This is write only, and probably breaks compatability with
log readers.
	struct timeval     eventTimeval;