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[HTCondor-users] "Failed to receive remote ad" runtime error when querying history with the python api

Hello HTCondor users,

I get aÂ"Failed to receive remote ad" error when using the Python bindings to query history immediately after submitting a job. Looking into the HTCondor logs, I see the following error in ToolLog:

[Timestamp] condor_history: getInheritedSocks from CONDOR_INHERIT is ... [REDACTED]
[Timestamp] ERROR "Assertion ERROR on (*ptmp == '*')" at line 2244 in file /slots/10/dir_3701941/userdir/.tmplMkQ9O/BUILD/condor-8.7.6/src/condor_io/sock.cpp

I also see a core dump in the log directory.

This error does not occur if I wait a few seconds before invoking schedd.history. Also, there is no error if I run the history query without submitting a job.

Below is the Python code that triggers the problem.

import htcondor
submit = htcondor.Submit({'executable': '/usr/bin/sleep', 'arguments': '300'})
schedd = htcondor.Schedd()
with schedd.transaction() as txn:
 print submit.queue(txn)
print list(schedd.history('true', ['ClusterId'], 10))
# RuntimeError: Failed to receive remote ad.

Is there something I am missing? Thanks in advance for your help!