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[HTCondor-users] Using condor_status with -target

Hi all,

Iâve been trying to debug some startd matching involving ``My`` and ``Target``. Realising that ``condor_status`` has a ``-target`` flag for this purpose, I tried using first some synthetic, then some real job classads.

However, it appears that the ``TARGET`` classad is always ``UNDEFINED``. Neither expressions of the startd nor custom ones can access ``TARGET``:

	$ _CONDOR_TOOL_DEBUG=D_FULLDEBUG condor_status slot1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -target /tmp/classad.txt -af 'debug(target.RequestCpus)' -debug
	12/02/19 14:34:54 (pid:1149180) (D_ALWAYS:2) Classad debug: [0.00119ms] target --> UNDEFINED
	12/02/19 14:34:54 (pid:1149180) (D_ALWAYS:2) Classad debug: [0.05007ms] target.RequestCpus --> UNDEFINED
	12/02/19 14:34:54 (pid:1149180) (D_ALWAYS:2) Classad debug: [0.06604ms] target.RequestCpus --> UNDEFINED

The ``classad.txt`` contains an old-style classad from ``condor_q -long`` with the requested attribute:

	$ grep 'RequestCpus =' /tmp/classad.txt
	RequestCpus = 1

Is the usage correct like this? Iâve check that the ``-target`` flag finds the file (it gives an error if the file does not exist).

Iâve tested this on 8.6.1, 8.6.4 and 8.6.11, 8.8.4 and did not find anything in the release notes.


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