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[HTCondor-users] condor_ssh_to_job broken with 8.8 on CentOS 7

Dear HTCondor experts, dear Greg,

we have just now upgraded our production environment to 8.8.1 and interactive jobs with Singularity don't work anymore :-(.

The message we get is:
/usr/bin/nsenter: invalid option -- 'a'

It seems that when introducing the use of nsenter (which is a really good improvement!):
the parameter "-a" was hardcoded, which is not yet supported in the version of nsenter shipped with CentOS 7.6.

Do you have any suggestion for a simple workaround?
Otherwise, we have to downgrade again (sadly we don't have a full-fledged test-setup, otherwise we would have found that before).

Cheers and all the best,

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