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Re: [HTCondor-users] Need to pass the number of cores (CPUs) to my job as an argument

Hi Ian,

I'd try replacingÂ$(Request_CPUs) in Arguments with $$(TotalCpus), which should instead substitute the integer value from the machine ad.


On Fri, Jun 14, 2019 at 8:29 AM Ian Cottam <Ian.Cottam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi All,

I'm back running HTCondor jobs after quite a break. I thought the below 'template' used to work for me with OPENMPI jobs, but now the first Argument $(Request_CPUs) is passed as the string Target.TotalCPUs. Maybe it always was, and memory fails me.
What should I be using?
Submit file follows:
Universe = vanilla
Requirements = Target.Opsys == "LINUX" && Target.Arch == "X86_64" && Target.TotalCpus =!= UNDEFINED && ((Target.PartitionableSlot =?= TRUE) || (Target.DynamicSlot =?= TRUE))
Rank = Target.TotalCpus
Request_CPUs = Target.TotalCpus
Request_Memory = 4000
Log = pico_MPI.log
Output = pico_MPI.out
Error = pico_MPI.error
Notification = Never
Should_Transfer_Files = Yes
When_To_Transfer_Output = ON_EXIT
Executable = run_openMPI.sh
Transfer_Executable = True
Arguments = $(Request_CPUs)Â ./pico -P CSDBoot_PDF_0032samples_slices001to060 -R auto_binarymask -A 1 -H 1 -r 1 -s 0.3 -h 1 -m 1000 -v 1
Transfer_Input_Files = ../../build2/src/pico, ../../build/inputfiles/AD_h00024_SC/CSDBoot_PDF_0032samples_slices001to060.img, ../../build/inputfiles/AD_h00024_SC/CSDBoot_PDF_0032samples_slices001to060.hdr, ../../build/inputfiles/AD_h00024_SC/auto_binarymask.img, ../../build/inputfiles/AD_h00024_SC/auto_binarymask.hdr
# because of macro below, submit with e.g.: condor_submit -a qcount=6 submit.txt
# saves editing the submit file
# if you just use: condor_submit submit_mb.txt,
# it defaults to empty and Queue is the same as Queue 1
Queue $(qcount)


Ian Cottam | senior Research Software Engineer (RSE) | Research IT | B39 Sackville Street Building | The University of Manchester | M13 9PL | +44(0)161 306 1851

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