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[HTCondor-users] Can htcondor-ce-provider collect classads from multiple condor hosts (or collector hosts)?

Dear all,

This is a question concerning bdii provider for htcondor. 

As far as I understood, the htcondor-ce-provider (installed with htcondor-ce-bdii package) gets only the first collector host among the multiple hosts by the line as below:

  central_manager = htcondor.param.get('COLLECTOR_HOST').split(' ')[0]

in case of which two or more condor hosts (or collector hosts) are configured with space separate, for example, 

  CONDOR_HOST = centralmanager1.example.com centralmanager2.example.com [...]

In such a case, the site's bdii comes to publish only a fraction of its total number of CPUs. 

I was wondering if there is any idea to have the provider parse the information from multiple hosts (other than having to re-configure one collector host). 

Thank you.

Best regards,