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Re: [HTCondor-users] CondorCE: recipe to react(?) on payload audit events

ah, that looks really nice! :)

I had not realized, that a pilot could in principle be modified "on the fly" aka CE - have to ping the VO in question about that ;)

Cheers and thanks,

On 03/04/2023 20.33, Todd L Miller via HTCondor-users wrote:
If I as a site admin could instead somewhat control a pilot's start expression and inject cases like `x509UserProxyVOName =!= DN/FOO && AuthTokenSubject =!= bababa-bababa` to block such payloads, that should be equivalent to a a posteriori job removal, I guess.
But how would one modify the pilot's own requirements??

ÂÂÂÂIt seems like it would be easier to modify the pilot to allow modifications. ;)Â Something like:

USER_ALLOW_LIST = userMap( allowedUserProxyVONames,
 Â TARGET.x509UserProxyVOName, "reject", "reject" ) == "allow"
 ÂÂÂ ||
 Â userMap( allowedAuthTokenSubject,
 Â TARGET.authTokenSubject, "reject", "reject" ) == "allow"

STARTD_CLASSAD_USER_MAP_NAMES = allowedUserProxyVONames, allowedAuthTokenSubject, CLASSAD_USER_MAPFILE_allowedUserProxyVONames = /etc/pilot/allowedUserProxyVONames CLASSAD_USER_MAPFILE_allowedAuthTokenSubject = /etc/pilot/allowedAuthTokenSubject

where the CLASSAD_USER_MAPFILE_* entries deliberately point to configuration files on local disk, that is, from the site admin, and not from the pilot.

- ToddM
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