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Re: [HTCondor-users] using job id in START expression

On 7/18/23 13:28, Nagaraj Panyam wrote:


Is there a way I can make HTCondor send some jobs to a specific execute node based solely on job id? For example, I am aware what job id's (of newly submitted jobs ) will be in a few hours time , can I plan for a few of the jobs to go to a particular WN? My purpose is to test the WN performance with a few of specific kind of jobs, without the possibility of crashing many jobs on the WN.

In theory, by putting the job id you expect in the START expression of the WN in question, but that seems fragile. I'd use a custom classad attribute. I'd change the start expression of the WN in question to be something like

START = $(START) && Target.IsSpecialJob

and in your job submit file add

MY.IsSpecialJob = true

Now, that doesn't *prevent* your job from running anywhere else, so you might also want to add to the WN config

SpecialWN = true

which causes the WN to advertise that it is a SpecialWN, and then the job in Requirement can express that it wants to be limited to that node by adding

Requirements = Target.SpecialWN
